Have you lost count yet? I have. I am too busy sitting here wondering why no one seems to stop her. She’s going to hurt herself or someone else, and I have to say, just the worst case of Denial since Patty Hearst. Aided over and over and over again by her boyfriend Sheriff Parnell McNamara, enabled by boyfriend Truman Simons, and what the hell John Johnston’s role in this is besides FAKE CHRISTIAN BULLSH$T get the hell real here. When is enough enough with the guns too? No one ever takes away her weapon yet she keeps getting away from her handlers at odd times of the night. Dr. Barbin always gets her off the drug charges, every time she gets picked up, same drug thing, then dropped. It’s ridiculous.

Your Sheriff is a crook, this woman has something on him. Please, Sherre, tell us what it is, is it a loan you gave him of money and you made him pay it back? Is it moving his brother? Is it the sex? You could not have better accomplices if you’dve paid them. EVERYONE fought this arrest, I wonder why, she only got hit by a train.

I’m RESIDENT EVIL and this woman has a driver’s license and carries a gun loaded with hollowpoints.

THIS woman is the Sheriff’s GIRLFRIEND. Come on here, she was also his brother’s girlfriend. They moved the brother’s dead or dying body and now Sheriff helps Sherre get off all charges over and over again.

Get real.






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