Seems Harry has made a few people mad.  Rumors of Harry being sued for all manner of things have circulated.    Public Information,  emails from people, and other written items Harry has and does not write a post unless he is “covered”.

You sue Harry,  he gets to take Depositions also.

Considering that Sherre Johnston is a witness and wrote about Vic Feazell telling Truman Simons to “get the evidence back” from the Tarrant County lab,  plus other questionable things such as the identity of “Brian Lewis” leads Harry to think more of a Continuing RICO than Libel or Slander.

Are people trying to frighten Harry into keeping quiet about McLennan County Justice?

Harry has no pending cases,  no DWI’s,  no Burglary of the Sheriff’s house,  etc.

Words without proof aren’t Harry’s forte,    he’s been held to a much higher standard than the fools who just talk.  Harry has paper.

Harry’s “credibility” is being questioned?  Harry is nothing but the messenger,  Public Information doesn’t NEED explanation.    It speaks for itself and the citizens of this county are not as stupid as their elected officials, and others,  think they are.

“Tis easy to form an opinion when you are not burdened by  the facts”…………

No one can read the Public Information for you.





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