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Please pass the Kleenex, Abel


The interview with Abel Reyna last night by KWTX anchor,  John Carroll was the highlight of my evening when Abel looked like HE was going to have to console poor John Carroll.

John launched into how they’d been buddies for years and became so overwhelmed at Abel’s loss he fuc*ed up and called Abel Reyna,  “Barry Johnson” by mistake.  One hysterically funny mistake.

Abel didn’t cry but John sure did.  Guess he was surprised.  Maybe he and KWTX should come down from their ivory tower and realize other people aren’t as full of shit as they think.

Between the puffy eyes and overly bitch black hair,  John seemed desperately saddened and totally taken aback by the overwhelming numbers.

Sorry John Boy,  your buddy lost.

Let the pity party continue.

Hope it hurts.

Harry Storm

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