Site icon I'm Mad Too, Harry.



Sure does nice stuff for his men, promoting Steve January like that, we all see whazzup, and yeah, he’s a Prince among men for taking care of his men, or is he? Ask the three MCSO family members demoted this week.

Par giveth and Par taketh. Nothing is done without his fine handwriting on it, whether it’s a note in someone’s file or a promotion, or, lately a demotion, it’s all Par. Par has little Keebler ass kiss elves that do his bidding. They have stuff on him and he has stuff on them. They make the payments on the 80K plus trucks, the RV’s and the bass or sail boats, and the most fun of all is getting to do awful things to their “brothers” in uniform who can’t do or say anything for fear of REVENGE OF THE BROTHERHOOD. Or at least a threat from an agency that doesn’t even have the power to sue or anyone for slander, as in the case of CLEAT writing me for Par to not say they’re incompetent. Silly me, that was BEFORE I found out they had no body cams. In reality I said they were incompetent and fat, truth IS a defense.

So, here we are another day of Harry listing for you the goings on at the jail.

Sgt. Andy Derby, demoted to jailer, 18 years of service to this County. Nice.

Corporal Jeremy Johnson, 13 years of service to this county, demoted to jailer. Good going Parnell.

Newly promoted Lt. Brian Blanchard has been demoted to Sgt.

Who knows if they did anything or not, Par likes to think he’s purging the “Leak” they think they have.

Good going I don’t know any of these guys, you got the wrong ones again. Duhhh.

Par doesn’t bother to read and now that Steve January is too ill to read stuff to him, he doesn’t realize that Harry just gets the Sheriff’s department records and regurgitate them back to him.

Soon, we’ll see who the next FAVORITE will be, Cody, the brother mover, or Chris the Embalmer.

Who will the butt hurt be?




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