Site icon I'm Mad Too, Harry.



A big thank you to the crooks, creeps, incompetents, liars, hypocrites, horse thieves, fat fks, losers, Baylor hypocries, currently incarcerated shack jobs, and a special thanks to “KIki”

You can laugh at me, chew me out, chastise me, correct me, dismiss me, or whatever, the fact remains that Harry Storm has prevailed and MY readership in one day is higher than Tetens and Johnson’s votes put together.

You can smirk at me all you want, just know that those who are being persecuted, generally fked, demeaned, forgotten, overly sentenced (my personal favorite, how about you Parnell?), helpless, and just pissed off have at the very least a place. With Harry.

You can go on to win again and again, doesn’t matter, people know what you are and are laughing at you behind your uptight overly religious back.

This year, Harry has had death threats, the usual, threats of lawsuit from a bank that is lovey dovey with Parnell and where Par gets his fun money for RV’s and other shit he doesn’t need as a 76 year old PaPa. Also, CLEAT, an organization that defends law enforcement came out as a FAVOR to our Sheriff for Life and THEY threatened me with a lawsuit too for hurting the feelings of the deputies.

Calling them FAT was what got to them……omg.

So, today Thomas West can pretend that people aren’t calling him “sexpest WEST” at church.

…..and forever.

Your Commissioners, County Judge, and most of the courthouse are nothing but crooks, some with brothers in law (Judge Felton).

Let them know you’ve had it with the corruption.


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